15th, Monday, 1630HRS:Take
a look at that picture of the just caught Saddam…
That my beloved Horde,
is SHOCKED AND AWED. What is disgusting about this event isn't
Saddam's condition - but in the Left's reaction to it.
Picked up some
meat… had to buy it. I’ve
never eaten Ork Flesh… I’ll cook it up before I see Return of the King
next week. Can’t wait for this movie… I can not wait! I’m hearing
that everyone that has seen it says it’s beyond amazing. I’m giddy
with the anticipation.
Take a look at this
thread on THR…
Shotgun Shells used in the M1 Abrams. I have two words for this:
“Judas Priest”. That’s just nucking futs. For support of
Infantry? Now, I'm all for more firepower for the Infantry... but
a 120 MM shotgun shell? Holy cow that is just - WOW!.
Just got an email
update from my favorite range in Utah… Rangemasters in
Springfield, Utah. Check this
out… they are getting in a Glock 18 as a Range Rental gun later this
week. SWEET. I have fired only a few machine pistols… never a Glock
18. The 18, if you are not familiar with it, looks just like the Glock
17 save a little switch on the left side of the slide. This is the
rock and roll switch… You can have normal semi-auto function or full
auto function. The 18 is unique in Machine Pistols in that most are
semi or 3 round burst. The 18 can do sustained full auto fire. If you
rent one, even just to “try it out for a few shots”, plan on dropping
about 25 bucks on ammo. That will get you about 2 boxes worth for your
taste… about 100 rounds. After you do that much – you will either
have had your fill, or you will be desperate for more. For the sake of
Rangemasters, I suggest they get a “Glock Stock” that will attach to
the handgun to give it a stabilizing shoulder stock. If they don’t do
that… or if they don’t limit the loaded mag to 3 or 4 rounds – they are
going to have a lot of holes in the ceiling. Yeah, the Glock 18 can be
fired just fine without the stock, full auto... but it takes some
practice. Wow… an 18. That is so sweet. I just might have to roll
in to the Wasatch Front some time to check it out!
Email from observant
“Dear Ogre, Regarding the e-mail about reloading for the 357 Sig, I
thought you could use some more resources. Especially since you've
said you'll be reloading for the new wheelguns yourself.
This site has one of the best collections of links and info I've
ever seen. Also, just about every powder manufacturer has a manual
available for download, and I don't have to tell you about the
excellent resources on THR. Just seemed you were a little less than
thorough on the email reply. Keep up the great work on the website!
Thanks for the email, Calanctus. Wow. Good website link there! Lots
of good data. Even has some data for the beloved .44 Special. You are
absolutely correct. My response to the previous email was short and
sparse. Forgive me. I think you just made up for it, improving the
quality of MadOgre.com just that much more. Thank you. BTW, that link
is now in my bookmarks.
Dec 14th, Sunday: 2345hrs:
Read in the newspaper
an interesting article.
It was an Op-Ed piece
in the “Faith” section of the paper. The question was simple and one I
have thought about on many occasions. “Can a Good Christian be a Good
Democrat?” Knee jerk reaction is that you can. The Democrat
ideology is just a political perspective different from the
Conservative position. Right? Unfortunately the Democrat agenda has
become so warped that it is a caricature of it’s self. It has been
hijacked by the Ultra-Liberal extremists to the point that the Democrat
agenda is the Liberal agenda. This agenda is contrary to Christian
values on just about every issue. Assisted Suicide, Abortion, Gay
Rights… Being a good Christian not just puts you at odds with the
Democrat Party, but it also puts you at odds with being Politically
Correct – something that the Left holds so dear. Political Correctness
is at it’s core the weapon with which the Left uses against all
Christians – because being Christian is in fact Politically Incorrect.
So no, you can not be a good Democrat and be a good Christian at the
same time. You can be either one or the other. That’s the hard thing
about being Christian… there is no grey area here. It’s a black and
white issue. It’s a shame that the entire political spectrum has taken
a red shift… a big step to the left in all areas. We often say that
the Left has gone even further left… but at the same time the Right has
taken a big step to the left as well. Oh, don’t hate me for saying
this, but it’s true. The people on the Right are no longer quite so
Conservative as they espoused to be when they took office. I’m not
talking about just Bush – I’m talking about the entire CONgress. Even
my own representatives from
Utah. Orrin
Hatch, who at times is a very good man and I can respect him greatly…
but then he does such asinine things. His advocacy of abuse of power
to stop people from downloading MP3’s is criminal. It goes beyond the
extreme… there is no more right to due process… your suspected so you
get raided and it’s all your fault. This isn’t exactly holding to
his own values as a Mormon. Mormons are Christians regardless of what
some jackasses would say… We as a faith hold the Constitution in the
highest regards as we believe it to have been an inspired document. We
are very patriotic that way. But Hatch’s side stepping the Bill of
Rights to satisfy a corrupt corporation is a slap in the face… It’s
un-Mormon-like and it’s un-Christian. That’s just one example… There
are plenty others.
don’t like the idea of one compromising his values for the sake of
something as disgusting as politics.
Hussein is captured!
This is amazing news. What a GREAT DAY! But with this news
comes the Left’s asinine comments. Such as Dick Gephardt’s take that
now Saddam is captured, it’s time to give
to the International Community. He basically said that we should give
up all our rights to Iraq and turn it over lock stock and barrel to the
UN and we pull out of Iraq ASAP. What a fucking IDIOT. The only way
we are going to recoup our costs of the war is to get it from oil. If
we give that up – A, we get no recompense and B, we totally ruin the
whole point of the entire effort and undo everything we fought for
there. Brilliant idea, Dick. Just Brilliant. I’ve played with
flatworms in Petri dishes that were smarter than Dick Gephardt. This
news… I was just getting out of my car and started doing a happy dance
in the parking lot of the local Wal-Mart. Very cool. Very cool
indeed. What does this mean? It means that justice will be served, it
means plans for reconstruction of Iraq can go forward and it means
there is a light at the end of this tunnel. Still a ways off before we
can leave it yet – but the end is in sight. BTW, Saddam, if you
look at his pictures... man, he looks like shit.
Email from Reader:
bought the XD-357 sig. 4-inch barrel a couple weeks ago. Shoots deadly
accurate on bench and I shoot 85% COM rapid fire with factory
loads WC and HP. I have an outdated loading manual for .357 sig but am
looking for more up to date loading options. Know of any Websites with
handgun reload info so I don’t have to purchase another loading
manual. Also, would you recommend a three die or two die set for this
necked down .40 cal to a 9mm (.355) cartridge? If you don’t reload
your own cartridges, then my apologies… please ignore my spam. BTW,
this will be my CCW. Awesome pistol. Should be receiving permit any
day. Dennis B”
Thanks for the Email, Dennis. I’ve never
reloaded for the .357 SIG, so I am unable to help you out. However I’d
look to the latest Speer reloading manual. I’ve always used it and
it’s one of the best out there. Let me congratulate you on an
excellent selection for your CCW piece. I love the XD series. They
are perhaps one of the finest lines of automatic handguns in the
world. Accuracy, Reliability, Ergonomics… all in a great package.
They may be relatively new, but the trump Glock in my opinion and are
on par with the other high end servicematics like SIG and Beretta and
even HK.
Yesterday I was
looking at a pristine example of an S&W model 57 .41 Magnum.
The nickel finish was almost 100% perfect. There was only
one spot where the nickel was marred, and that was just above the mouth
of the forcing cone right where the cylinder gap was. The gap by the
way was perfectly square, the trigger was absolutely flawless… Pinned
barrel, recessed chambers, and the firing pin where it was meant to
be. I’m not going to mention the price, but let’s just say that it was
priced very well... so good in fact, that it caused me a great deal of
distress that such a paltry sum was asked of such a noble revolver… it
is was still beyond my means. Oh, and the original wood box comes with
it. I fell in love with it. Had it been 3 inches with a round butt
grip – I’d have tapped the VISA and be on the way to a divorce right
about now, or laying the morgue, because my wife would have either left
me or killed me. To say I want one badly is to say “It’s a bit cold in
the winter time”…
came home and popped open a can of coke and sat down sipping while
reading my emails…
“George, The 696 is a pretty decent piece, true. 3" is an excellent
barrel length for most defensive revolvers. My 657 (stainless .41 Mag)
is a Lew Horton 3" version. I just received some boot grips for it,
and took off the awful "target" grips. Fired it today, and I can
control it just fine with full-bore 210-grain SJHP's. It conceals much
better with the smaller grips, and fits my hands better, as well. The
657 is an N frame, of course, so it weighs more than your L- but I get
an extra round! I have a model 65 3" that I'll pick up from layaway
if/when I start getting my GI Bill money! I'm excited about getting
into the Honor's Program, and all the ladies I've met have seemed
really nice. I'd love to pick up my M.R. degree in the next couple
years! Luck with the DJ gig. Regards, John.”
Thanks for the lemon juice in that wound! *sigh* Is email subject
“Ultimate Carry”… Indeed. Lew Horton is one of those masters… a mere
touch blesses his guns. John, If you ever decide to part with it – I
want first dibs! I think such a gun would be the only thing to make my
696 a “BUG”. (that means Back Up Gun) I think .44 Magnum is just a
bit too much… I can handle it fine, but it’s borderline. A .41 Magnum
is about “Perfect”. And in a 3 inch round-butt… Very nice.
If anyone is up to trading a S&W Model 66 4 inch .357 for a .41 Magnum…
I’m game! Oh, and I also have a 92 Subaru Legacy with transmission and
cold start issues that I’d like to trade for a nice BMW too. Yeah, let
me know.
Dec 13th, Saturday: 1400HRS:
Last night I went out
and saw “The Last Samurai”.
I am stunned. This movie is one of the most beautiful films I have
ever seen. I put it in my top 3 next to “The Last of the Mohicans” and
“Heaven & Earth”. I especially enjoyed the quality of the acting and
the discussions of the true nature of Bushido. I’ve spoken of Samurai
before here on MadOgre.com… and this film illustrates everything I have
said about them. This movie really communicates why so many people
like me have such a deep respect for the Samurai and for Bushido.
“Life in Every Breath” is something we can only strive for… but I know
a few men like that. The most poetic line of the whole movie… This
line goes back to the discussion that, “a man can spend his whole life
searching for the perfect blossom, and his life would not have been
wasted”. This illustrates that a samurai’s greatest appreciation is in
beauty and his dedication to defend it. When the Samurai was dying and
looking at the blossoms on the tree, and said “They are all perfect.”
That brought a tear to my eye as it summed up the essence of Bushido.
A fitting final statement for the Samurai. If you don’t understand
this – it can not be explained to you. What a great film. Amazingly
well written and filmed with some of the best cinematography I have
ever seen. I also like the way they referenced a certain classic Greek
battle. Awesome.
Monday I am doing the
“Voice Test” for this possible radio gig. I'm a little nervous about this as like most people, I hate
the sound of my own in recordings and what not. However I have
been told that I have a very nice voice. In fact a couple ladies
have said that my voice makes them... well... aroused. Er,
okay. But this isn't about that... this is about music.
Right now I am going through my own heavy metal CDs listening to it…
downloading MP3’s (and promptly deleting them in case the RIAA is
watching me) and studying the world of Heavy Metal. It’s funny, but
Saturday Night is the only time when they are allowed play heavy metal
because it’s too evil for prime time. So if this works out for me and
the radio station – I shall be the Ambassador of Evil to Middle of
Utah. Fitting in a way, don’t you think? *sigh* My parents will be
so proud. Let’s see, listening to “Rage Against The Machine”, “The
Cult”, “The Ramones”, “Godsmack”, “Rob Zombie”, “Corrosion of
Conformity”, “Disturbed”, and “Queensryche”. I’ve taken a few shots
of Tylenol Extra Strength and I’m doing okay. I think I can do this.
Dec 12th, Friday: 1030hrs:
Some time ago I spent
a summer at the Smithsonian Institute.
Most of that time was
spent at the Air and
I loved it there. Everything about it was amazing. The Navy Carrier
exhibit, the WWI exhibit… even the paintings and aviation artwork. I
wasn’t really into that Star Trek room. The room that had the
Enterprise hanging in the doorway. That part was boring, but
everything else was just amazing to me. So forgive me if I am a little
giddy with silly joy at this news –
a new expanded Air & Space Museum! Mom – Clear a spot in the
extra bedroom – I’m on my way! Er… Okay, maybe not soon… but man, I
want to take my boys there.
Here is some other
good news from
Check this out. I thought I was giddy before. Virginia has
arrested and is prosecuting a Spammer. YEAH! This may have already
had an effect. Instead of 30 spam messages this morning, I only had
17. Let’s arrest a couple more of them. I still want to wrap my
ogrish hands around the necks of these Spammers and choke them out… but
I’ll take State prosecution as an acceptable alternative.
Bad News for the
Democrats means good news for the rest of America.
2004 is looking to be the best year economically in the last 20 years.
Why is this? Because in 2004 corporations and the filthy rich will be
able to take full advantage of the tax breaks Bush gave us. Just like
the tax breaks JFK gave us. I’d like to take this moment to think
about all the Liberal MoronsTM who dissed Bush about these
tax cuts. This will cause massive deficit they said. Well, maybe at
first… but as a result with more money being made, more taxes will be
paid. Look at Ronald Reagan’s tax cut. They said the same thing, but
the result was an increase in Federal Revenue across the board. If I
remember right, the revenue was more than doubled. Wasn’t it? Why,
yes, I think it was. Now, a word about what really causes Federal
Deficit… Let’s look at the F.D. like your Visa account. It doesn’t
matter that your making your payments… what keeps your balance right up
there at the limit is your continued spending. You keep tapping that
account all the time, your payments are not going to make a dent into
it. If you want to bring your balance down – you start by stopping the
spending. GW Bush has been blamed for a great deal of spending… and
rightly so… he has been responsible for a lot of it. But MOST of it
has come from CONGRESS. The House and the Senate both are spending
like mad and there is no sign of it slowing. The talk about spending…
but then spend more money to study the spending. It’s truly insane.
I’m most familiar with the military and the spending that is wasted
there… man, that’s a lot of scratch going down the toilet. But that’s
just a small fraction of the Federal Budget. Every department needs to
be audited by civilian consultants to examine where the money is going
into the toilet. Where cuts can be made… where improvements can be
made… and who is ripping us off. But hey – this is no rush… come on…
Next year will be a banner year for the economy!
Here is something
about spending.
Halliburton over charged for gas? Big freaking deal. 61 Million?
That’s not even enough to pay for one prop-blade of a V-22 Osprey.
Halliburton is one of the biggest employers in this area. Where does
Halliburton profit go? To the Vice President? No… it goes to
employees out here in the middle of nowhere keeping people in jobs.
Email from Horde
Member: “Hey
Ogre! What do you think of the possibility of laser weapons? They're
currently building a huge chemical laser to be mounted in a 747; the
Air Force's YAL-1A "Attack Laser". But better power sources (by
several magnitudes) and room-temperature superconductors would be
necessary for a man-portable laser, and solid-state lasers would be
more desirable than chemical ones. Lasers have the potential to change
the nature of the battlefield. Imagine if every army had ground based
air defense laser systems. Any aircraft that is detected is shot down
as soon as it comes into range, and lasers have long range. There's no
countermeasure; the only defense for aircraft would be to not be
detected. Combat aircraft as we know them could well become obsolete.
Even cruise missiles and such would have to be stealthy. Hell,
computer-controlled lasers could well be used to shoot down artillery
shells, even! Currently, the only defense against artillery is to dig
in. That would be a HUGE step forward. (Actually, I think artillery
will eventually make itself obsolete. Radar and detection systems will
get so good that unless an artillery system moves after every shot,
it'll be quickly destroyed by counter-battery fire.) This is, of
course, assuming we're fighting modern armies that have this stuff too.
Lasers do have the huge drawback of being unable to fire well through
clouds, smoke, dust, and rain. For once, popping smoke could provide
cover, and not just concealment. Still, an infantry laser rifle would
be an interesting piece, don't you think? See that guy at 900 meters?
ZAP, he's toasted, instantly. Big chunk of him just flash-evaporates.
On the other hand, if he's hiding behind a wooden fence, I don't think
you could peg him on the first shot like you could with a rifle.
Lasers don't penetrate, as far as I know. So, Ogre, what do you say? -
I’ve seen the Discovery and Learning Channel shows where they talked
about military lasers. That 747 mounted laser… It takes up the entire
747 and is good for about 30 shots. Not exactly an X-Wing. I’m no
expert on lasers… but I think the actual military application for them
would be limited to installation defense… maybe ship born point defense
systems. Even with power source advances... tactical use of it on the
battlefield would be virtually unwanted. I wouldn’t want to use one.
Think about a jet airplane up in the sky… see that contrail? On a cool
day, a weapon type laser could create a small contrail just like that
because the beam would heat the moisture in the air and turn it into
vapor creating a nice arrow pointing right back to where you are. No
thanks. When it comes to energy weapons, I’ll stick to kinetic and
leave the projected to the Scientists and the Sci-Fi guys. I’ve read
some books where lasers were discussed trying to make these things look
feasible. “EON” is one of my favorite novels in the sci-fi genre.
It used a weapon was called an “APL” for Anti-Personnel Laser. It was
a weak sister to what the bad guys carried… an AK-47 variant. But
let’s take a look at the more important implications… Once we start
using these things we will have to put them into battle-mechs and next
thing you know you will have a 75 ton Timberwolf stomping around and no
one wants that. (Okay, I think I just hurt my brain with that leap of
Email from Correia:
“You want some albums from the last couple of years with more than
one good song on them? Disturbed. Enough said.”
I’ll have to look into them… er… right after I listen to “The Delicate
Sound of Thunder” one more time.
Dec 11th, Thursday, Noon Update:
Email from Horde Member Gordie: “I am a little disappointed that you have not commented
on LTC West and his situation. LTC West is the Artillery Commander
that fired his pistol behind the back of and Iraqi “suspect” who was
refusing to talk. I think it is a real shame that they have killed
this guys career. The terrorists have been laughing at us because they
know we can’t do anything to them when they are captured. This sucks.
Folks better wake up to the fact we are fighting a new kind of war
here. I am betting that most of these towel wearing fanatics have never
heard of the Geneva Convention (When was the last time we fought in
anyway?). Wars are dirty business. Folks need to remember that the bad
guys don’t play by the rules we do. Of course, we have not heard all
of it. I would say that the good Colonel had some enemies in the
command structure or it wouldn’t have come to light. What’s your take?
- CPT Gordie”
This is all about the use of “Torture” during interrogation so this
issue is a touch bigger than just LTC West’s incident. Here is my
take. LTC West is an honorable man who has a much higher standard of
principles and ethics than his critics. LTC West was performing his
primary duty – taking care of his men. In this case taking care of his
men was extracting intel from a captured enemy combatant. This intel
is absolutely vital for operations in a combat zone – and I don’t give
a fuck about the image or propaganda – in my mind Iraq is a combat
zone. LTC West should not be in any trouble at all at any level. In
fact, his use of none standard methods during interrogation should not
even be questioned… because other than a loud noise the prisoner was
not injured physically in any way. So to put it all into a nutshell –
I think this is all fucking bullshit and LTC West should be given back
his full command so he can continue doing his job. What he did was
“scary”. What he did was threatening. What he did was something that
should never be done during times of peace or home in the US… but he is
in effect at war in a hostile territory. These panywaste liberal
morons who are crying about West being big bad and scary – Fuck them.
West is an Officer of the US Army and NEEDS to be big bad and scary.
If we sent over a couple thousand Johny Depps – oh shit… we would have
had to surrender like a bunch of cheese eating, sweaty Frenchmen! I
have a small note to the unfortunate victim of West’s hostility: Hey
fucknozzle – you are so very lucky that you had West interrogate you
and not me. I would have shot you in the foot. Then I would have shot
you in the other foot… In fact, for every question you fail to answer
quickly and accurately, I’d have put a bullet into every distal joint
of your body, working my way in until you were nothing but the sack of
shit that you really are. I have no sympathy for Terrorists.
Terrorists have given up their own humanity and as such deserve no such
considerations in return.
What’s up with Bill
O’Reilly being pissed at Al Gore for not calling Leiberman first?
Why is this surprising? Al Gore is a slimy rat bastard and behaved
accordingly. The left can be counted on one thing at all times – to do
the slimy rat bastard thing. A rat bastard being a rat bastard… not
surprising, Bill. Not surprising at all.
University of Southern
California won a bid to study Homeland Security.
No, this isn’t a joke. Funny that this goes to a State that is
giving driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. I would not have seen this
one coming.
The Drudge Report.
I like Drudge and I like his reporting… but MAN! I hate his website!
I’d like to give a big
warm “Thanks” to the CDC and the entire medical community… for creating an especially deadly and highly
contagious strain of flu that is sweeping the
US right now. By
killing off all the weaker strains over the last couple decades, what
is left and what has been breeding is these super flu strains that
resist treatments and even the vaccines now. Lovely. A weapons grade
flu. Thank you very much. You know, I think I’m going to kick back
and reread Stephen King’s “The Stand”.
Social security for
illegal Mexicans who go home.
WHAT THE FUCK? You have got to be kidding me. I don’t have a link – I
just heard this on the radio. How amazingly retarded political
jackasses can be.
Dec 10th, Wednesday: 1820hrs local time:
I think this is bad
news. The head of the ATF is now going to head the Anti-Piracy unit
of the RIAA.
I’m not making this up. Look for panzers running over anyone with
iPods any day now. I see no “upside” to this. This is just bad… very
very bad. Here is the deal with piracy and who is doing it the most…
Poor College
Students are doing it because they are poor college students and they
can’t afford to drop 15 to 20 bucks on a new CD that only has one good
song on it… Granted if it’s a “Really Good CD” and is probably at the
20 dollar level… you might have two good songs on it. Here is what’s
going to happen now… Several cats are going to pitch in together now to
buy that one CD, rip it to MP3, and then they will share it via
sneaker-net with everyone on campus. The more the RIAA pushes this
Anti-Piracy thing – the more people are going to start pirating. You
know, I don’t think I have heard a good new song in about 5 years.
Maybe longer. All the new stuff is weak jingles. I take that back…
Nickleback is pretty new and they had one good song. Perfect Circle
has one good song… er… okay, that’s about it for new stuff.
Email from
“Hi MadOgre! Today was a realy good blog! it was about lot of things
i like! NIN and metallica and Iron Maiden and great pc games . I m
just now playing a death metal band on my computer "Satyricon" you
should check it out, even if it is kind of eh evil and satanic and
such, they play some damn good hard-core metall. And i have been, what
shall i say, pissed on the stupid figure who wrote that hate mail a few
days ago About US-European "differnces". But even as lowly and stupid
that mail was written, i have too agree on a few things. I truly
belives that some of the countries in
Europe offers a better place for their citicens. If you are a realy resoursful
person an inventer or an entrepeneur or something, then i think the
USA is the
place to live. Also you have middle class who is slightly better of
than here. But the
US also have a
large "working Class" which live on minimum wage or near it, nearly no
vacation, no health care plan or insurance. All that is more equally
divided between the citicens in a lot of the countries here. If someone
realy messes up his life in the USA, he does not have the same chance to get back to the society as he might
have had where i live. I have lived a year in the
USA, and i saw
more poverty there than i am seeing here. One thing which realy shocked
me was on time i was out drinking, a mother with 2 small children came
up to me begging money at 0200 in the morning. She should have had some
supervision about bringing up the kids, at least. If that didn’t work
out, someone then should take them away from her. I have to say that i
was living and working in one of the poorest states in
America, kentucky. When it come down to the gun thing, people in
Europe have no such thing as "the second amendment". And we have no tradition
for use of a handgun for self defence , or for holding the goverment in
check. This will for a lot of people sound very alien. I like guns, and
own several, but the need too carry one of them at a daily basis, has
not been something i have felt a need to do. And that i think is a good
thing. But if I am in a place where carrying a gun is necesery, i
wouldnt hesitate to do so. I do hope that the difference in culture
between Europe and The usa does`nt get any bigger, we have common
enemies which we should concentrate on, not throwing dirt at each
other! STIG:)”
Thanks for the email, Stig. I had written a nice long and detailed
response earlier this morning, but Netscape crashed on me for some
reason and I lost it. I shall try to rewrite that essay now. Okay,
about music… I like hard and fast music sometimes, but not all the
time. My #1 favorite band is Pink Floyd. I like the old Floyd with
Roger Waters, and I like the new Floyd with the more mellow sound. I
also like Celtic music. I like Classical, I like some Country, I like
some R&B and I even like some jazz. I really don’t like “Pop” because
it’s mostly hollow and meaningless. I heard some “Emo” music… and I
stuck a pencil through the speaker cone because I had to. Fast angry
music is good stuff and other than Pink Floyd, it’s what I listen to
the most. Rage against the Machine, Rob Zombie… love that stuff. If I
do this radio DJ thing, that’s the stuff I am going to be playing the
most if I have any choice on selection. Kentucky is a very poor
state, along with other parts of “The South”. Appalachia is in a
constant economic depression and has been since the Civil War.
Truthfully it was that way before it too. There are reasons for this…
No useful waterways to the coast, terrain that makes rail difficult…
there are some rail lines, but they are limited… so at best you are
stuck with what you can move economically via truck. That means you
are not going to get any major project effort there. Coal mining was
and still is one of the major industries in that region and
unfortunately for them the demand for coal is going down. For example
power plants… Our local power plant uses coal. You just can’t ship
that much coal via truck… you have to ship it via train. Anyways, most
of our coal is coming from other regions now because it’s cheaper to
ship. And like other areas, we are starting to look at other energy
sources… I have heard rumor of tapping into a large nuke plant for
electricity… like other power companies are doing because nuke plants
can produce a lot and do it cheaply… no daily train shipments to worry
about. Sure there are other concerns and such… but the overall
overhead is cheaper and ultimately cleaner than coal… this is going on
nation wide. So demand nation wide is dropping for coal. This is
going to further reduce the economic strength of Appalachia. There are
other major industries there… lumber and things… but they are limited
too. It’s hard to get the lumber out with big trucks on little curvy
roads. Last March I was on a road near Lexington and I had to cross
the oncoming traffic lane to dive inside the turn because a logging
truck was going too fast, drifting over into my line (this is head on
btw) and looked like it was about to tip. I was okay – but dropped my
bacon double cheeseburger. Fucking logging truck. And let’s be
honest, Appalachia is not known for the most intelligent breeds of
human beings. I stopped at one joint in
West Virginia
for a soda and a snack. 3 guys were there, all of them missing teeth
and all of them looked like someone had just hit them in the head with
a hammer. The main reason why the working class stiff remain working
class stiffs is complacency and apathy. They don’t want any better and
they don’t think they can even get any better. They are too stupid and
lazy to put forth the effort that it takes to better themselves.
Thanks to a social system that coddles them at that level and programs
to take care of them at that level, they don’t need to try any harder
to get by. That’s what’s wrong with the “American Dream”… you can be
“Made” without having to aim your sights up very high. They are where
they are because they WANT to be there. It’s all about the desire to
improve… so many immigrants to the US come with nothing and end up rich
because they want it more. They are willing to put out the effort to
get it. And if they want it that bad, then damnit, they deserve it.
If “Real Americans” as some bigots would say are not willing to put out
the effort to reach the top – then they don’t deserve it. Simple as
I’m not going to get into any US vs
Europe comparison on social programs… because in truth I don’t give
a rat’s ass about them. They are there, fine. But I don’t want to
study the program details or anything like that. I’m working on my
book and don’t have time. I’d rather study the history of the .22LR
cartridge and the guns used to shoot it.
US Politics right now
is very one sided.
You have a Republican leadership and a gallery of Democrat pussies
crying about it… with no original thoughts or ideas. How truly
pathetic. Instead of coming to the center with some sort of concept
that might make American Voters interested, they are moving so far to
the left they just might go all the way around and become more
conservative than the Republicans… but they are not that far around…
Right now they are just at the apex of the “Fucking Insane” curve. At
this point, they are not only no where near being viable as a body
politic… but they are becoming dangerous to themselves and to others.
As a Psych Major, it’s my opinion that these cats be institutionalized
and treated with shock therapy. I suggest about 800,000 volts.
Bomb Defusing on TV.
Now, I am no Bomb Technician, but I did learn all about explosives
while in the Army working with some Engineers. Cutting charges, Muff
Charges… and all the fun you can have with Det-cord. I have seen in
this last week several different shows not worth mentioning save the
fact they all involved the dipshit hero “disarming” the bomb. You have
the brick of C-4 and in it is stuck the blasting cap… out of the
blasting cap is the wires. They always cut the red wire first after
sweating it over for some dramatic amount of time. You know, just
between me and the Horde… I’d just pull the blasting cap out of the C-4
and call it good.
The new Dodge
Durango. Have you seen this thing yet? Wow. It’s total
badass. Yes, put me down for 2 of them. I think it looks exceedingly
brutish. Like a squat Peterbuilt Semi. Loving it. And the starting
price is under 27K. Not bad at all.
9th, Tuesday: 2300hrs:
I am now officially
DONE with this semester.
I feel great. I have a few weeks off until next semester starts… and
during this time I shall concentrate on my new book. Some have read
what I have so far and have cried, some have laughed, but all have
expressed sincere adoration for this new project. I think, and other
agree, that this is my best writing I have ever done. Tomorrow morning
I am going to hit it hard again… hopefully within these couple weeks I
can have the whole thing done in breadth and bone, and then I can go
back and flesh out the meat. I’m truly excited about this project.
I sat down this
evening in front of the TV and caught a show I’ve never seen before.
I was startled because this was “THE OGRE SHOW”. This was ME, on TV.
I’m dead serious. I think I should sue or something. Okay, I wont,
because this show uses the premise that the main character is a Doctor
and I’m not…. The show is “Becker”. It’s the funniest damn show I have
ever seen. The dialog is great.
Speaking of TV, this
new Battlestar Galactica…
I’m getting emails about this show – some love it – some hate it.
However I have a feeling that the “Love It” crowd was not even born yet
when the original series was on so they don’t have the attachment like
the “Hate It” crowd has. My jury is still out. I’m going to have to
catch this show myself before I pass final judgment.
Lots of stuff has been
happening in the news – stuff that is almost surprising. Stuff like John F’d Kerry dropping the F-Bomb… His
campaign is done. If not for the use of the F-Word, then for the fact
that Al Gore has endorsed Howard Dean. Al Gore… supports Dean.
People, the jokes don’t even need to be said. “The Elected President”
supports Dean. Give me a freaking BREAK. Elected, huh? Oh REALLY?
Oh, that’s not all… What about Al Sharpton on SNL? Do you realize that
if it wasn’t for “BECKER”, The Democrats would be the funniest damn
thing on TV? Actually the only thing that makes the Democrats not
actually funny is that these clowns could actually some day get into
Office. Oh My Hell – If Howard Dean actually wins… What a
To de-stress, I’ve
been playing a bit of Grand Theft Auto III. GTA3 as it’s also called. I have a couple favorites… the
Yardie Lobo is the coolest car in the game. It’s tough and it’s fast…
but it doesn’t handle all that well. But it’s still super sweet. The
next car up would have to be a Mafia Sentinel. But the M.S. can’t do a
sideways slide into a crowd of pedestrians like a Lobo can. The best
weapon? Oh sure – there is the machinegun and the rocket launcher… Feh.
The best weapon is the Molotov. It’s all about style. GTA3 – perhaps
the most FUN game I have ever played next to No One Lives Forever 2.
I might be taking a
part time job as a Radio DJ.
The only station in town that doesn’t play country music… well at night
they play heavy metal… I MIGHT take over the “Hard As Rock” show. Play
music like Nine Inch Nails and Metalica and Iron Maiden and Ozzy… I
like that kinda music – but only in small doses. It’s a foot in the
door. What I’d really like to do is a talk radio show. Talk about
issues and stuff… “Ogre Radio”. It would be a kick. Anyways… this
radio gig is on the table. Might be fun… Might give me a raging
Dec 8th, Monday: 2100HRS:
I got an email from my Momma tonight.
I just wanted to share it.
love. I just read your MadOgre.com, about The Grapes of Wrath.
Well, your family did just that. They actually did it a little later
than that book depicted. My dad hopped a freight train, and left my
mom with her family while he went to Calif. and got a job. He jumped
off the train, and started walking. He walked to each ranch he came
to. He asked for work, and on the second try landed a job as a handy
man. Which he truly was. He found an old Model T, in the barn covered
with a tarp. It's engine had been removed and lay in many different
pieces. My dad asked if he could work on it, and put it back
together. The man really liked my dad, and told him, if he could get
it to run again, he could have it. Dad did just that. He then asked
for enough time off to go get his family. Well, he drove all the way
to Okalahoma, sick as a dog. When he got there, he slept for a full
day, and night, and then loaded up the car to drive back with my mom,
and my sister, and my brother. Well, as they were loading up, his two
brothers, and their families decided to ask if they could go along.
Dad, could never turn down, his family, so they all squeezed into that
little car, all eleven of them. They had their luggage on top, and
truly looked like Tobacco Road. None of the family could make a living
in Okalahoma, so Calif was the only answer. But guess what? You are
right, they needed no sympathy. They got to Calif. and worked hard,
and even though they never got rich, they certainly were able to care
for their families. Of course you also have the pioneers walking and
dying along the way. My mothers mom did loose two children under the
age of two however. Medicine, and doctors were so ignorant back then.
Those babies could have been saved so easily today. My poor little
grandmother was never the same after that. I have your Great
Grandmothers story, about how they lived, written in her own hand. If
you ever want to read it, just let me know, and I will send it to you."
My Grandpa
Clarkson was truly an incredible man. With this history, and only
a little education he worked his way up the scales and ended up running
a little part of Boeing... Not a single 747 rolled out unless it had
his stamp of approval on it. Great man. I wish I had
more time to get to know him.
Email came in
about the new Battlestar Galactica:
“DUDE!! I watched 5 minutes of the
show with my 10yr old nephew and had to turn it off due to the porn
content. Did you watch it? This is so screwed up. I can't believe
they ruined the story line of the original series. The special effects
were weak in the original series but the story line was awesome. Did
you see it? – Jamie”
I have no
This morning as I got
dressed, I buckled up my jeans and slipped my Ted Blocker gun belt
through the loops of the jeans and my HBE Rhino Rig.
Into this I inserted
my new favorite handgun of all time. The mighty S&W 696 .44 Special.
This 5 shot, 3 inch barreled revolver holds a special kind of
unexpected affection for me. Here I am, a Mormon Elder and I got this
sweet little Five-Shooter from a Catholic Priest. (There is probably a
joke in there some place.) I call my 696 “Saint Wesson”. I just have
to say, this is perhaps the best packing package I have had in a long
time. The 696 is probably IDEAL for me. The weight feels just right,
the gun is short enough to carry easy, and the HBE Rhino Rig puts it
right where I can grab it easy and fast. The .44 Special ballistics
are roughly similar to .45ACP, but with heavy “Keith” loads it gets
quiet stout and can go above what even .45Super can do. That’s a lot
of authority in five rounds. No, I’ve not yet played with reloading
for it… but I am excited to do so. It’s just a matter of time to do
it… I’ve got things lined up and I’m just waiting for the chance to
delve into it. There is a box of .44 caliber 250 grain SWCHP slugs at
the local gun shop that I am going to want to try out. Anyways, this
3 inch barrel… I have developed the idea that 3 inches is perhaps the
IDEAL barrel length for an EDC revolver. BTW, EDC stands for Every Day
Carry. This means a gun that you can carry on your person every day,
all day. It’s just as easy to carry as a shorter barreled gun, that
still gives you a decent sight radius and enough barrel to get good
I’m not the only one who has this opinion. I’ve always loved snub
nose guns… and maybe I am wrong, but I consider 3 inches to still be a
“snub”. Three is the magic number… it’s all about 3 Inches.
Grand Theft Auto is
one game series that gets a lot of press attention. And it’s all negative too. In the game you play a criminal
with access to an arsenal of weapons and you go around committing
crimes like car jacking and drive by shootings… you run people over and
shoot cops. This game is truly sick. But you know what? It’s
incredibly fun. You play this game and it’s just amazingly amusing.
You get the cops to chase you and you drive around like a nutter and
it’s just insane how fun it is. As much fun as it is – yes – it’s
bad. We know it’s bad… but it’s a good kinda bad. I know bishops and
priests and police officers and even women who like to play it. It’s
rated “M” for mature for a damn good reason. So why is the press so
upset with it? Because this really and truly isn’t a game for kids. I
picked up some magazine while waiting for a doctor the other day and
there is an ad for games saying “Tell your parents you want to study
the classics” and it showed the covers to a bunch of games… some of
which were rated M and one of which was Grand Theft Auto III. If you
have a little kid that wants a new game, and you get the kid Grand
Theft Auto – you need to get punched right in the mouth. Sorry, but
you do.
Last night in
History, we watched “The Grapes of Wrath”.
If you have not seen this flick, it’s worth watching. Rent it if you
get the chance. Here are my thoughts on it: Tom Joad is an
interesting character in that he is an Ex-Con just out of jail for
homicide and comes home to find his family gone and his home no longer
He meets up with a
couple other interesting characters. The first character is the
Preacher. This guy is almost anti-religion in that every time Joad
turns to him for questions of Faith, he gets nothing useful out of
him. This sends the message that Faith is just a fad that people
should get over and nothing worth while comes out of it.
Joad and the
Preacher then meets “Muley” a character that looks like the
quintessential “hobo” with the unshaven face and the big sad, watery
eyes of a guy that lost everything. I find it hard to find sympathy
for this character in that at first he did have everything and only had
his house bulldozed. He still had his family… but for some reason he
chose to stay in this home area and remain a hobo. The explanation for
this was weak. His story did give us a “flashback” to how his house
got bulldozed.
When Muley
mentioned “The Cats” it showed a number of Caterpillar tractors rolling
across the fields with the drivers wearing gas masks. Interesting
visual as that it invokes the feelings that these were enemy tanks
driven by dehumanized villains. This reminded me of some WWII
propaganda film… “The Huns are coming!” This is a powerful image that
would have struck a cord in audiences when this film came out.
Interesting use in
light and shadow to add emphasis on being “overshadowed” or “watched”…
something that is used through out the film to give the feeling that
these people were really being repressed.
When Joad reaches
his family they pack up and head out for California in an old truck.
But before they leave, they are met with a reoccurring theme in the
movie. A shiny new big car driven by a guy in a suit with a man with a
badge in the car beside him. This shiny car couple represents power
and authority in the movie… and the abuse of capitalism. These guys
are in essence “The Man”. They own and run everything.
In the truck the
Joad family travels west moving along at a slow 25 MPH. I suppose I am
supposed to feel sympathy for them, but my ancestors did the same thing
walking. Grandpa and Grandma dies along the way, and that’s supposed
to be sad… but at least none of the children died as was common with
earlier pioneers.
At the camp in
California we see an example of the abuse of power by “The Man” when
innocent people are indiscriminately hurt by The Man who is after the
guy who talked back. “The Badge” in this case fired at the
troublemaker and hit an innocent woman, but took no regard for his
collateral damage. Joad and The Preacher stops The Badge only to get
into trouble themselves. (On a side note, the Preacher tossed the
cop’s gun into the woods… that was a Colt 1917, a .45ACP revolver that
was common for this era for police work. It was made because
manufacturing for the 1911 could not keep up with demand. You can get
these today for about $150 and they are good pistols still.) The
Preacher is taken away and Joad hides in the woods.
Later we see more
abuse of power in the forms of shotguns and axe handles as an
underlying threat to keep “The People” in line. Power enforced by
brutality that the people couldn’t match. It was too strong. You
can’t fight, so you best just lower your head and avert your eyes and
do what you are told. This is allegorical to the repression that
capitalism is supposed to force the people down.
When the Joad
family leaves, they finally come the Department of Agriculture’s camp
and are met with the savior in white… white and a wool sweater. This
new camp is the political ideology of communism and they even make
mention that the campers there are “The Reds” and they speak how the
towns people are going to come get them to drive them out.
At the end of this
film the Tom Joad speak of the injustice of capitalism… “One guy with a
million acres and ten thousand people starving.” Then Joad goes on and
restates words from The Preacher that they are all “One big Soul that
belongs to everybody” and that whenever there is injustice against “The
People”, he will be there to fight it… like a Communist David verses
This little communist manifesto is summed up by Mother Joad
who declares with shiney eyes looking to the horizon and a set jaw…
that “The Rich can’t lick us, because we are ‘The People’ and you can’t
keep the people down”.
Evidently Momma
Joad hasn’t had the Truck’s registration expire and have the family
truck towed away.
I came away from
the film with the feeling that I wanted have sympathy for the Joads…
All the injustice they suffered… lost the house and all that. But I am
left a little chilled by the ease of which they dispatch anyone in
authority that gets in there way. There was no remorse for killing… no
second thought… no attempt at other means of resolution. This is also
a matching underlying theme in the communist movement. I think an
interesting counter picture to view with Grapes of Wrath would be “Dr
Zhivago” and it’s illustration of communism. I especially would like
to see the class discussion after Grapes and then Zhivago is shown… How
the good doctor who works hard to help people has “The People” take
over his house and burn all his books and puts him under the same
brutality that Grapes shows from Capitalism.
I had to pick
up this latest issue of American Handgunner…
the cover gun this time is the CZ P-01. Damn. They not only make it
look as good, and sound as good as it really is. This does much credit
to CZ and just might be the most accurate article from American
Handgunner that I have ever read. I’ve read some glowing articles for
some guns that are in my opinion total pieces of shiat. Mark the P-01
as one of two new CZ handguns that has my deep interest. The other one
being the new RAMI. If CZ keeps this up, they just might be able to
trump some other gun makers in the top ten list. I’m going to try to
get a RAMI as soon as I can get it. Might have to trade something out
for it… NOT the S&W 696… no fucking way. Perhaps the older S&W model
66 .357… as good as a gun that it is – Man… that little RAMI is one
sexy little beast.
I got my
registration in for next semester.
I have made it into an advanced “depth” Psychology course 3 levels
above what I have just taken. This will allow me to concentrate even
more on the direction I want to take in Psychology… working with
Veterans suffering from PTSD. I have been doing a happy dance ever
since I left the campus. I’m only taking 12 credits, but 2 of my 4
courses this time are looking like they are super heavy so I wanted to
go really easy on the others… the other heavy course is a political
science class… My two easy courses are both online courses so they
should take much less time and let me concentrate on the two big
classes. Between the Psychology and the Political Science… I
think I might be looking at a possible Nobel Prize for finally be able
to figure out what is wrong with the Liberals.
Dec 7th: Sunday: PEARL HARBOR DAY: 2330 hours local time.
Email about Taurus and the Smart
Gun. Now, before I get into it - Let me just point something out.
People, This is an example of why we are in the position we are in.
We gun owners are almost 2nd Class Citizens because we in the silent
majority have remained too damn silent when we needed to speak up.
Our young master Kevin here is an example of the kind of thinking that
is the product of our being in this position for far too long:
“I'm one of
your reactionaries. I won't buy a Taurus. I wouldn't buy a S&W when
they were dancing with
Clinton, either. I won't buy a
Taurus because they're working with the state of New Jersey to produce
a firearm that, once produced, will prohibit New Jersey residents the
ability to purchase anything BUT a "smart" gun. Any New Jersey
resident save an employee of the government. To be followed, I'm
certain, by California, Maryland, et al. The law sucks, and while all
the manufacturers are busy spending millions working on "smart gun"
technology, ostensibly to solve a problem that costs very, very few
lives each year (a significant number of them police officers), they
ought to be spending that money trying to ensure that we as a people
get to retain the right to OWN the products they sell.I'm sorry, but
"smart gun" technology IS just another tactic to ensure the law-abiding
lose a little bit more of their right to arms. And for that reason, I
won't be buying another Taurus.
Comply or close
shop? What makes you think that isn't the purpose of the laws? The
express purpose of the lawsuits isn't to make the manufacturers produce
"safer" guns, it's to bleed them fiscally until they go bankrupt.
Splintered? The gun manufacturers are the ones splintered. If every
handgun manufacturer refused to sell into New Jersey or Maryland or
California - ESPECIALLY to the police departments - do you think that
might get somebody's attention? But no! They're all willing to whore
to the governments that pass these laws that make it ever harder for
the law-abiding to be armed. Don't want to get sued in Jersey? STOP SELLING IN JERSEY. It's
what they want. Until the cops can't get their guns, or can't get them
fixed. Stop the frog-in-a-pot process. Turn the heat on HIGH and see
who jumps out. -
Thanks for the
Email, Kevin. Because of New Jersey and Maryland... and the other
Anti-gun states... Taurus is working on a product that could be sold
there. You can't blame them for that... they run a business and in
order for them to stay in business, they have to have a product to
sell. If you haven't noticed it... You add those three states
together and you have a massive portion of the US population.
This customer base would disappear for them if it became suddenly off
limits. A little something to think about. I've said this
before. Taurus isn't the only one working on this. Let me say that
one more time.
Taurus is not the only gun maker working on Smart-Gun Technology.
Let me say that again... one more time.
Taurus is not the only gun maker working on Smart-Gun Technology.
One last time.
Taurus is not the only gun maker working on Smart-Gun
Kevin, I humbly submit to you that Taurus is not your/OUR enemy.
If you want to point fingers, buddy... The finger pointing needs to be
aimed directly at YOURSELF.
Oh, wait a second. That was a bit harsh and altruistic... but
nevertheless shockingly accurate. The problem in the case of New
Jersey, is New Jersey. The People of New Jersey are the ones that are
rolling over and LETTING THIS HAPPEN. You have a population that
voted asshats into power and you have a population that has ample
opportunity to vote those same asshats back out of power.
New Jersey has a lot of conservative people there. If they pulled and
got more conservatives out to vote - they would be able to defeat this
bullshit smart-gun crap.
I got one word for Jersey's problems... and it aint Taurus. It's
apathy. Too many Conservatives there just put their hands up and
surrender. And don't deny it. I've talked to enough people from
Jersey to know what is going on out there... you know it too. You just
don't want to cop to it. Jersey Right Wingers - as a whole - have folded.
Sure - your mad about it.
But what are you DOING about it?
Giving Taurus the finger? That's productive.
Look, you have my sympathy, Brother. You have my empathy too. But
unless you want to go easy into that good night - you need to start
fighting the fight that needs to be fought. Get the names of those
asshats pushing for this Smart-Gun shit - and get politically
For example, locally we had an election. City Board Members. There
were 4 slots up. We have always complained about the jerks on the city
board. But guess what? NO ONE ran in opposition. All 4 people were
given another 4 years to continue being jerks. That was my bad. I was
too occupied with national issues that I didn't even look at the local
ones until it was too late. That's all it takes. But you know what?
I'm putting my money where my mouth is. Next year there is going to be
a couple more seats open... and yours truly is going to run in
opposition. At least there will be ONE PERSON to stand up. A voter
can't vote for somebody else if there is no one else. Now what are you
going to do, Kevin? BTW, good blog. Enjoyed reading it. OGRE OUT
Dec 6th, Saturday:
Sometimes my fellow
shooters can really get on my nerves.
Because of Taurus’s
interesting in working with Metalstorm on a new smartgun concept – they
are talking about boycotting Taurus. I’m
not kidding. They use the slippery slope argument and imply that
because Taurus is doing this – they are actually working against the
RKBA. This is foolish bullshit. Every major gun maker is working on
a smart gun concept of one sort or another. And you can’t blame them
for that when you have states like
Jersey and Maryland
and California getting really shitty on the whole 2nd
Amendment to the point where the gun makers have no choice but to
comply or close shop. Conservative shooters can be the most
reactionary people I have ever own… which is surprising because they
are also the most intelligent by and large. So forgive me if I am
surprised that they are pulling this kinda crap. The Left is so void
of moral or logical substance that even the slightest bit of reason can
see right through all their crap… they are truly a weak enemy. How
LUCKY for them that the Right is so splintered and fractured and
paranoid with a constant and acute case of McCarthyism… looking for the
enemies within. People – THE ENEMY IS OUT THERE – NOT IN HERE! OPEN
YOUR FUCKING EYES! I think everyone should go out and buy a Taurus.
Not because of any politics or crap – but because they are excellent
handguns and hugely under rated… and because they are one of the best
gun companies when it comes to customer support. Try to get that from
Glock. I’ve called Glock about 3 different times, and each time I was
treated very poorly. I’ve called Taurus about the same number of
times. I was treated like a damn Rock Star. Was this because I’m the
Mad Ogre? No way. You call them, and they will treat you right too.
The guns are made in Brazil, sure. But they are made with state of the
art CNC machines that rival anything from Colt or S&W or SIG or H&K.
Boycott Taurus? You would have to be out of your freaking mind.
Lots of emails about
“The Email” coming in.
“Something about the anonymity of the internet brings out the worst
in people. Though you naturally feel the need to respond, by devoting
space on your page to his "letter" you are just giving him more
attention(attention he probably craves). The best way to stop hate mail
is to just ignore it. By the way, on the subject of unwanted mail: you
say you get a lot of spam. I used to get tons of it too. But since I
adopted the strategy of "ignore, block sender, delete" and set up a
seperate email for all internet purchases/commercial use, it's gone
down to a tolerable trickle. –Steve M”
Email From
“That was really funny! You have so much more patience than I do.
Notice, that David did not really have any facts to back up anything he
said. Just the typical BS pouring out of his mouth, from another
individual who is so jealous of Americans. They have all of this anger
and bitterness that they have to let out, and they say the dumbest
things. I would love to hear just one of these morons, actually try to
back up anything they say with a fact. Since he couldn't even speak
our language or communicate on an intellectual level, it makes you
wonder where he gets his information. Probably American TV and
magazines, that they all like to brag to their friends that they have.
I would like to hear one of these jackasses tell me why if
America is so repugnant to them, that they try so hard to be just like us? They
wear our styles, and listen to our music, and use anything American
they can get their hands on. When they get a vacation, where do they
go? They come to
America and play at
Disney Land, and go to
Hollywood, and New York
City. Why do I know this, cause they are crawling all over every vacation
spot you go to. the sad thing, is you can always tell them apart,
cause they try so hard to look just like us, but just can't quite make
it. They just end up looking like Wannabes! Believe me, go to an Air
port any where, and you will be able to pick them out without any
problem. Test me. So tell David, not to bother getting onto an adult
site, until he can give up all of his American purchases, and back up
his stupid little tantrum with a fact now and then. –Tracy”
One last one… this one
made me laugh:
“The thing about "whealth" is, richer countries have a higher
standard than podunk Socialist countries. Here, 12% poverty means you
have a color TV, maybe a computer, a car or two, a roof over your head,
and a warm meal in your belly. Only the poorest of poor have less than
that. In podunk Socialist land, poverty means scraping together every
penny to live. "United States of America = super power Rest of world = ...well, rest of world. If it's a
question of penis envy, then it's all on them. We sport the donkey
shlongs. Nyah nyah. - Robert"
Remember the movie
I swear it had to have been filmed out here. Anyways… I just caught
some Sci-Fi channel today and I watched an episode of the series.
Normally I don’t cotton to B-grade TV… and Tremors really is B-grade.
At it’s best. But I really enjoyed it. The guns and the humor. It
was really funny, and fun to watch. This Bert character is awesome.
He is in a hotel in his skivvies with a chrome plates Desert Eagle that
he checks out, loads, and then puts under his pillow before he lays
down. The other character is like “What are you doing?” Bert looks
up at him and says “What?” Then other guy says “Your wearing your
socks to bed? That’s just not right!” I laughed out loud… startled
the cat and everything. Then I got some more previews of this new
Battlestar Galactica that is coming out, and they showed an old B.G.
episode… I have got to get the Sci-Fi channel!
It snowed for about 2
hours this morning.
We now have 3 inches of snow. We were going to go out and cut a fresh
Christmas Tree today (YES, I have a permit from the US Forest Service
to do this! Freakin cost me 10 bucks. Land of the Free, for a price!)
but the roads are so bad… I think we’ll try to get one later.
Typically our family tradition is that the first Saturday after out
anniversary we go get a tree and decorate it with the family while we
eat chocolates, listen to Christmas music, and play some games
together. The music has got to be Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby – or
it just doesn’t cut it. You can have all the other Christmas music.
Speaking of Christmas music – does it make me a pussy for getting teary
when I hear “Little Drummer Boy”? Ogre has a soft spot for some
things. For example, Little Drummer Boy, and some songs form Les
Miserables… and that one song from 1776 “Momma look sharp”… always make
my eyes watery. Some scenes form some movies do this too. Like in
“The Patriot” when the little girl asks Daddy not to go and she’ll say
anything he wants so he’ll stay… Judas… That gets me every time.
Ogres have Layers. Anyways. What was I talking about? Ah yeah…
Christmas traditions. I think it’s important that traditions are
carried on for the children… it’s a little thing… but it’s important.
Especially in the face of the massive onslaught of commercialism. You
have to teach the children that Christmas is about more than just
spending money on meaningless and unimportant doodads. Christmas is
about love, family, Christ, and all the good things these bring… like
Egg Nog.
The ATF has approved
importation for CZ’s new RAMI pistol.
This is a sweet sub compact automatic based on the CZ-75 action and
chambered for .40 caliber. To say that I want one is to remark upon
the blatantly obvious. In such a short barreled automatic, I would
suspect that the ideal load for this gun would be the 135 grain Cor-Bon.
I tend to prefer the heavy for caliber loads, but in the case of sub
compacts, I like the medium to light flavors. Yeah, I’m fickle. But
have you tried the 135 Cor-Bon’s? Excellent load. This gun is now at
the top of the “To Get” list. #1 in fact. The RAMI’s should start
appearing in January. Start saving your spare change now. When I get
mine, I know exactly who to contact for holsters and for grips. Just
in case you are wondering what the #2 gun on my list to get is… it’s
another CZ. The P-01. I’m not really liking the light rail, but I can
deal with it. I like the concept of weapon mounted lights… but I don’t
like rails on a gun unless you actually intend to put a light on the
gun. I think weapon lights are great, but I don’t think the technology
really makes them all that practical. Especially when you are talking
about a light that needs a special 12 buck battery that only gives you
about 35 minutes of shine. The new longer lasting LED lights are nice
– but not that bright. Surefire hypes the value of super nova bright
high beams on your gun. Nice – but they don’t really have to be that
bright to have a good effect. They really don’t. The light is to
illuminate the target so as to allow positive identification. The
whole blinding thing is great… but a little pointless. If the target
you identified is a threat – just fucking shoot him. If it’s not a
threat – why blind him?
Dec 5th, Friday: Noonish:
I don’t get much hatemail…
namely because the morons out there
can’t read the contact page so the emails get filtered into the
trashcan… but last night I got an email from some cat called “David”.
So this little bit here is for you, David. Let’s see… from your reply
to email, and your diction, I am guessing that you are either an idiot,
a German, or both. I don't know, or even care... but the odds are in my
favor that I’m dealing with someone who is a few cards short of a full
deck. Regardless, of your lack of IQ, I am going to take the time to
respond to you in hopes that I might enlighten you.
Hey there,
just wtf are you thinking spreading such an amount of crap.
Obviously I am
exercising my first amendment rights. I’ll make a deal. If all the
Democrats in Congress (both houses mind you) all resign – then I’ll
stop blogging. That’s my offer.
You must think
you think a lot or probably even that your smart in one way or another,
but having read your opinions on shit, I must say think again.
For someone who
can’t spell any better than my 7 year olds, I wouldn’t be throwing any
stones, my friend.
Really, you
(and by you I mean the average american/conservative) don't seem to
think about anything and trust ppl in white coats claiming to be
professors of some sort (while in your country you can BUY such a
degree), only because they present a set of clear arguments (wich all
can be easily withspoken by arguments you ppl won't understand) in
favor of your opinion.
This is the point
where I use the “wtf” marker. WTF? We don’t seem to think about
anything? Let’s look at all the great inventions the world has seen
since, oh, say, the end of WWII. Damn near every one of them was
invented in the US. I think that pretty much sums up the amount of
thinking going on in America, vs whatever sour-grapes little stepping
stone place your coming from. White Coats? In the US, professors
tend to wear a lot of sweaters and penny loafers. If you don’t know
what those are, use our American Invention called the internet and look
them up. Buying my degree? Indeed. I’m buying mine with some help in
the form of Federal Grants… $2500 to $3000 per semester. In a couple
years, I’ll have it paid off.
Your type/site
makes me puke. For instance, you say that more guns means less crime.
I'm sorry to dissapoint you but that is contrary to the truth, it
really is.
Really? Is that
so? I guess FBI Crime Statistics are false then… Our cities with fewer
legal guns show much higher crime rates than cities with more legal
guns… I guess that’s a fluke then. I guess when a State allows the
citizens to apply for and receive concealed carry permits – that
instant 6% drop in violent crime is just another fluke. You need to
educate yourself, David. I know its hard, and there are a lot of big
words you don’t understand… but if you try really hard maybe you will
learn something. For example, who wrong you have been in the face of
documented information proving the contrary.
You shouldn't
be so proud of a country where over 12% of all ppl who live there are
below the border of whealth.
This is an
interesting subject. You see, while the US does have a population that
is in “poverty” status… (Hey, being an unemployed college student with
5 kids – it could be said that I am one of them) however the level of
poverty here generally includes poor families that have a couple color
TVs, a VCR and a DVD player, a microwave oven… all the children have
shoes… medical care… and food to eat. So while yeah, we have poor
people here, the standard of living is higher than other country’s
“middle class” standard of living. The US also has the broadest
spectrum of “middle class” which is the real national economic engine…
hold this thought for a minute. If you can.
All your
claiming that ''the US is the only country in the world where some
things are possible" and by some things meaning several rights, and
saying that the US is the best free-market-country in the world... all
not true.
I guess this would
have to depend on what those “some things are”. But if you are trying
to say that “Anything is possible”… well… Yeah, that is true. Our
history is full of people coming to
America with literally NOTHING and end up rich, owning businesses, putting kids
into colleges so they can buy degrees… I’ve met these kinds of people.
This is called “The American Dream” for a good reason. Sure – it can
happen in other countries. We never said it couldn’t. It just happens
here all the time.
See, countries
in Europe all have theses rights, and if your country has the best
functioning free-market-economy then please explain to me how your
president could pass through a law against the import of steel, whilst
such a law is against ALL principles of free market, even more like a
communist law.
I think this is
another area where you need to study. In the US, the President doesn’t
make laws. You see, the President is the head of the “Executive
Branch” of the government. Laws are made in the “Legislative Branch”
of the government. The Executive branch is in charge of enforcing the
laws, while the Legislative branch makes them and changes them… then (I
hope I am not confusing you here) we have another branch of the
government that makes sure the other two are following the rules and
are not stomping on our Constitution… you will have heard of this
branch as the Federal Supreme Court. Put all this together in a big
pot and stir it up and you have American Politics. Not too many people
are happy about everything in American Politics – but in general it
works. As for the steel… are you talking about the tariffs that the
President just lifted? Not sure what you are talking about, but let me
try to help you. Yeah we have a pretty open free market economy, but
some times we tax imports to make them more expensive and make domestic
product more economically attractive. This goes back to the whole
middle class vs poor thing. Because some countries don’t have
employment laws like how we have – other countries can produce some
things cheaper. This is a whole other subject that I don’t have time
to get into right now. Perhaps you should buy some college economic
credits. Might do you some good. And let's not bother with the
fact that all those countries in Europe have those rights you are
bragging about because the US kicked your ass... twice. No, your
not bitter or anything.
Well I could
spew and barf on you and your tiny thoughts and site and country for
the rest of my life and I probably will but I'll cut this email off
now, cause you even aren't worth it. yours sincerely, David. Ps. that
list of films what the fuck, you americans really all are mainstream!
I am sure you
could go on and on about me and my country for the rest of your life…
You probably will. Not worth it? Whatever… Worth it enough to
write as much as you did… probably took you all damn day to write it.
Worth it enough that you have been hitting MadOgre.com repeatedly
looking for my response. Worth it enough that you will get great
satisfaction that I posted your email, probably even print it out so
you can take it around the corner to the Cobbler there so he can read
it to you. Not worth it? You are probably going to mark this day on
your calendar as a special day for you. I bet you are going to run
down to your neared McDonalds and get a Big Mac and a large Coke to
celebrate. What’s your beef with my movie list? Did I not mention a
film from your country? I tell you what, you send me some DVD’s from
your country, and I’ll watch them. Honestly, I will. And if I like
them well enough, I’ll include them on my list. But I really doubt it,
because I'm not into watching movies about guys wearing shorts with
suspenders and knee high socks getting it on with goats.
Dec 4th, Thursday: 1100HRS:
Today is my 11th
Anniversary of my wedding to Mrs. Ogre.
We have had ups and downs and all sorts of adventures together.
We have been through fire and snow and pain and suffering together.
We have known great sorrow and great joy. I love her more than I
love myself. I wouldn't trade her for all the money in this
world, I wouldn't trade her for anything or anyone in this world.
Our marriage isn't some mere social contract between to people so that
they may live a few years together. She is my other half, and the
better half at that. Sweetheart, I know your going to read
this - I love you, babe. I'm coming to get you for lunch... we
have a date. 300+
To the Horde,
a small explanation... 300+ is the numeric figure representing all the
love in the world. I'm not going to explain that any further
as I am not sure where we originally got that figure.
This morning was off
to a very late start…
we all slept in and
the kids missed the bus and all that jazz. So I had to do the School
Bus thing. No problems. I pulled into one school and in the parking
lot was a very cool looking vehicle that I had never seen before. It
was a Cross-Ute of sorts. Fat Station Wagon kind of vehicle or a Short
Mini-Van kinda thing. I don’t know what you would call it – but I
really liked it. It was a
Chrysler Pacifica. The photos do not do this vehicle justice. In
person, it looks a lot better. People say the camera adds 10 pounds…
maybe that’s true with cars too. This cross-ute is elegant looking…
very un-ogrish… but it looks capable. I’d love to see one of these
Ogrized with proper off-road modifications and reduction of chrome and
delicate parts.
Last night on the way
home from school, I listened to the radio. I picked up some radio station out of
I think it was
Anyways, what a joke. Liberal bullshit to the max. Questioning who
and why baked that
that was in the picture with President Bush. They also questioned who
and why hung that “Mission Accomplished” banner on the aircraft
carrier. You know, I had to laugh my ass off… THIS IS ALL THEY HAVE
LEFT! The Entire Liberal Movement is reduced to questioning Turkeys
and Posters! The Left as already LOST and they don’t even know it
yet. I’m not going to address either of these… they have gone too far
below the radar to be worth further discussion.
This morning on the
radio I caught some discussion on the 2nd Amendment.
The question was where do you draw the line in the right to keep arms…
what is the upper civilian limit. They talked about RPG’s and Tanks
and all that kinda stuff. Okay – Let me talk about this for a second.
I have addressed this before, but I’ll do it again because I have a lot
of new readers hooking up with the Daily Ogre since the last time I
discussed it. Let’s look at the wording of the 2nd.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to
the security of a
State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be
infringed." I consider the 2nd to be in two parts. The
first being a Militia to secure a
free state.
People, do you realize what this means? This is NOT about a freaking
National Guard. This is about a 4 Branch of Government – The Governed
– that puts Checks and Balances against the other 3 Branches. We are
all a part of this 4th Branch. We are the Citizens, the
Voters, and we are what the Legislative Branch is supposed to Represent
and what the other 2 branches are supposed to protect. Our Government
is supposed to be “For the People, By the People”… and it can’t be
unless The People have the means to check the Government. Look at the
first two amendments in the bill of rights – it insures our right to
check the Government. As a new nation, we had just gone through this
and they knew this to be an important part of the stability of the new
government. The weapons of the time were muskets and cannon. We were
already seeing revolutions in small arms back then. Rifles were a HUGE
advance over the muskets. These gave the colonials greater range and
accuracy that trumped the capabilities of the Brown Bess musket that
the Red Coats carried. It is argued that Congress at the time could
not foresee high capacity machineguns like the M-16 or weapons such as
an RPG. Brothers and Sisters of the Horde – I submit to you that all
such advances in small arms were taken into account in the wording. I
humbly suggest that when they said “Keep and Bear Arms” they were
talking about all “Small Arms” as defined by contemporary military
terminology. Small Arms are weapon systems that are Man Portable and
do not require mounting to ships or tanks. So while we should probably
not be allowed to have an M1 Abrams – We should ABSOFUCKINGLUTELY be
allowed to have the RPGs or AT-4s so that we can combat the M1. Look,
I am not a Revolutionary espousing an uprising or any of that
bullshit. I’m just saying that The People according to the Founding
Father’s intent – has the Right to own – AND BEAR - such arms as are
necessary for the security of a free state. Machine Guns – Yes. RPGs
– Yes. M1 Abrams, maybe not. F-18 Hornet – maybe not. Stinger
Missiles to combat the F-18? Indeed, YES. THE SECOND AMENDMENT ISN’T
I’m okay
Dec 3rd: Wednesday: 0921AM:
I’ve been posting a
lot of emails lately.
I usually only do a few a week, but I’ve been getting so many
good ones that I just have to share them. Today I have another one
that I am going to post. I also have a couple gun items that I want to
discuss today. So, let us begin.
Reader email:
“I just read your Political views on your website. All I got to say is
WOW! If there were more people like you in politics the US would be a
better place (Not saying that it isn't a great place now, just better
for the real Americans that actually give a shit about this country and
not just about votes). There is too much political correctness in this
country and not enough people with BALLS in the positions that run it.
Great website! You got my vote in CT! Rob Arm M-96 Expeditionary,
own it and love it, the best of Russian and American ingenuity in one
rifle. – Paul”
Thanks for the email, Paul. If there were more people like me in
politics – hmmm… let’s think about that for a second. Foreign policy
would be very different. For example, negotiations with North Korea
would have been over rather quickly with Kim Jong heading back home
with a .45 caliber lobotomy, with Delta, SEAL, and Marine raiders
administering the same treatments to Jong’s Posse. This would happen
over night and the next morning flyers would be raining down from the
sky inviting all the hungry people to brunch at Kim’s place. Leave a
few business cards “If you need help forming a new government, give as
a call.”
China? I’ve had my fill with China. I like the Chinese people, but
this blustering has got to stop. Yeah, China is a major threat and not
to be taken lightly… but really, there is a peace that can only be
found on the other side of war. It would be time to ask them if they
are really and truly ready to throw down. If you are, bring it. If
not, shut the fuck up. I’d also sanction the hell out of them and
freeze all assets. Wal-Mart? Sorry. You will have to find cheap shit
someplace else. Preferably within the US boarders. But China would be
done as favored nation for trade with the
Give that status to a country that could really use it. Like the Czech
Republic for example.
Cuba? Goodnight Castro. Sleep well. One MOAB daisy cutter and then
we can start a ferry service between the
Bay of Pigs and
the very next morning.
Mexico? I would be tempted to just give California back to Mexico, but
I’m not going to do that. Mexico will either start policing it’s own
side of the boarder, or we push that boarder south by about 300 miles,
call it a DMZ and put the troops we used to have in Cuba, on that
BATF? IRS? Shipping Container Inspectors! “BATF” will become the
hottest new chain of Men’s Stores around the country. The second
Ammendment, by presidential order will be taken at it’s literal
translation as an INDIVIDUAL RIGHT that extends through all states.
Any state that has a problem with it, looses ALL Federal dollars until
they stop fucking with the Bill of Rights.
Special Interest Groups? I don’t think so. ACLU? NAACP? I think the
IRS would do one last round of audits before we cut them loose. See if
they give us a peep. Legislation from the Bench is DONE. No district
court has that right. If they have legal beef, it gets handled at the
Federal Supreme Court Level. I’m all for Equal Rights. But just
because you have a thing against Jesus, doesn’t mean Jesus is banned
from the public. Since there is no State Church, there is no
separation of Church and State issues. If you want to pray… then do
so. If you think the 10 Commandments are a bad thing… then fine. That
is your beef… but if you want to hang the 10 commandments up in your
office… be my guest. Do what you like, but don’t even think about
stopping others from doing the same. “I’m offended.” Then you are
also an asshole. Such matters will be tossed out of court unless you
can absolutely prove that there is some actual form of abuse.
Oh and one last thing. All the people that said they would move out of
the US if Bush was elected – Later! Don’t let the door hit you in the
ass on the way out. You renounce your citizenship… you get dumped over
a boarder. Ed Asner, Peter Singer and the rest on my Fecal Roster get
their citizenships revoked.
One last thing. Cell Phones in Movie Theatres… MAKE MY DAY, PUNK!
The Army’s new
The US Army is going to be making a transition to a new
cartridge pretty soon. 5.56MM will be relegated to Squirrel Duty in
the not too distant future and I think this is fantastic. The new
cartridge is a 6.8MM that lands right between the 5.56MM and the 7.62MM
power range. This is good news. This is good news indeed. I’ve read
all that I can on the 6.8 and I can see no downside to it. Existing
weapons can be converted and existing USGI M-16 type mags will still be
able to work – with some slight alterations if needed.
There are no downsides that I can see. Huge increase in
weapon effectiveness for very little effort. This will probably roll
out as the standard round for the new XM-8 rifle and as the cartridge
for the OICW weapon system’s lower weapon. The one with the 10 inch
barrel that I have ranted on before in the past. 5.56MM out of a 10
inch barrel is practically useless with military ball ammo. But with
this new bigger, heavier cartridge, it would become about as effective
as a 9MM SMG and that’s not too bad. I see this as a huge
The only question is how fast can we actually field this? How
fast can we get this out to the troopers who are currently fighting
with the wimpy 5.56MM? I can understand the necessity with keeping the
M-16 platform in use until the XM-8 is completely ready to be fielded…
(I’m almost giddy at the thought of the AR-15/M-16’s demise) but let’s
send those guys out the new 6.8MM uppers and get them going now.
I have advocated the use of the .300 Whisper cartridge for
all M-16 type (including the M-4 which is just a short M-16) weapons…
this 6.8 is close enough. If 5.56MM is like 9MM, and 7.62MM is like
.45 – then this 6.8 is like the .40, and I find it to be completely
Taurus & Metalstorm’s
I’m sure by now that every net-savy shootist out there has
heard of MetalStorm with it’s 1 Million Rounds Per Minute rate of
fire. If you haven’t, think of a Roman Candle that fires bullets
electronically. While I can see some uses for this in certain
applications, such as for heavy crew served weapons… I can see no
reason for this for Small Arms.
What Taurus is doing, is looking at this for handguns and
rifles and what not as a part of it’s “Smart Weapons” program. Don’t
get out of shape… ALL big gun makers are looking at making some sort of
Smart Weapon. A gun that only the owner or people the owner allows to
fire the weapon. If you want an example of this, watch the utterly
crappy movie “Judge Dredd”, because that shows what this is in a nut
shell and in a comic book fashion. I’m not big on this idea
Taurus is using “Biometrics” as the recognizer instead of a
pass code or magnetized ring. This is interesting, but I am not
comfortable with this kind of technology. I am also not comfortable
with the Metalstorm technology either. For me to go over each reason…
that’s another article for the weapons section. Let me just put it
this way… I don’t see me EVER buying such a weapon. Ever. I would
rather spend my new gun money on my own personal CNC mill and other
machines to make my own guns. I don’t care if they are all fucking
MUSKETS – because I am not following this vision of the future that
Taurus and Metalstorm is seeing. I’ll load me up some ball and cap
Colt Navy hoglegs and call it good. Screw this idea of Governmental
User Registrations. See my rant above… If the user can’t program it
themselves… then screw it.
Wait a second… Looking at this rant above… this technology
would be needless. Toss the whole thing out the window unless you
wanted to by a new machinegun or something. Even then, I’d rather have
an MG-42… but Knob Creek would be very interesting.
My littlest one is
having his 3rd birthday this Saturday.
I didn’t think he
would live this long. When he decided to stand up and pee all over the
kitchen floor… when he decided he would take a dump like a cat in the
litter box… or pull down everything in every closet he could get to…
*sigh* It’s been a long week already.
Dec 2nd: Tuesday: Noonish:
conversation this morning with my wife.
During our discussion
I mentioned that during the 20th Century the United States
had 3 “Golden Eras”. We had the 20’s. During the 20’s the USA grew in
wealth and inventions abound. The automobile hit the streets with a
passion and racing became popular. Then we had the 50’s. The post war
boom of the 50’s gave us rock and roll, hot rods, super sonic flight,
huge computers, and lots of wealth. Then in the 80’s we had another
one. MTV, Personal computers and the internet really
started here and this carried over into the 90’s and really developed,
but it started in the 80’s. We also had the fall of the Soviet Union
and the end of the Cold War. Really, the 80’s. These Golden Eras
really gave the USA a lot of growth and a lot of revolutionary
changes. Mrs. Ogre has a different opinion about the 50’s. To her, it
is a slight. She says that it was in the 50’s that the American Woman
took a back seat while the Men drove. Rosie the Riveter was repressed
and put back into the kitchen to make pie and babies, but this time she
was expected to look good and business like. Not to be a total sexist
pig, but maybe that helped the US grow? Thanks to her higher
expectations and his desire to be the Professional Male, it opened the
doors to push for more advances in every industry. But come on now…
Women still had a very important place. Look at all the movies from
this time. It’s all about the power of women over men. Pillow Talk,
An Affair to Remember… all of these stories promoted not just the
typical male stereo type of the time, but also the great influence
women had over that man in the office. To say women were repressed is
a bit shallow. Since forever – women have really ruled the world and I
think it was during the 50’s that they had finally understood that as a
whole and used it. Because look at the 60’s and afterwards… it’s all a
woman’s world.
Email from reader:
“Dear Brother Ogre, While surfing the internet, I ended up on your
website; and, enjoyed my visit to your home in cyberspace. God, Guts,
and Guns helped establish America as a Free Nation; and, we are going
to need To Keep all three, if
America is to remain Free. Thank you for being a True American by Standing Up
for "the 3 G's". Click Onto the following
webpages to learn a
little about me. Semper Fidelis (Always Faithful, especially to My
Friends) - Loyde ‘Snake’”
No, thank you, Snake. An email such as this from a veteran US Marine
is something that means a lot to me. Thank you for your sacrifices and
for your service, and for your continued faith in America.
Ranger is a funny dog.
I have made a House of Straw for him… it’s a popular thing here in Utah
because Straw is a great insulator and it keeps the dogs warm during
the winter. That being said, Ranger isn’t having it. Let me describe
it for you. 3 sides, two bails high with another row of bails across
the top for a roof. Inside is a nice thick layer of loose straw under
a nice thick and warm wool blanket for him to lay on. Sure he does…
when the snow is actually falling. Doesn’t matter how cold it is – he
would rather lay on the roof like Snoopy. He even pulls one of the top
bails down so he can use it to step up on to get to the roof easier.
For Christmas I think I am going to get him a pair of goggles and a
Howard Dean.
He is a pretty good looking guy. Smart... was a doctor. Has a nice
smile. Too bad he has Bill Clinton’s head up his ass. If he would
just take 3 large steps to the right (making him Moderate) and leave
the 2nd amendment alone… then I still wouldn’t vote for him,
but at least he wouldn’t be such a vomit sack.
December 1st: Monday:
Email from reader:
“I'm afraid that you don't really set your sights high enough.
Along with a massive fucking heart attack, the second part of that wish
should have been that when he collapses, he falls on and crushes
Hillary and Tom Daschle. Now that would have been a good wish for
Christmas. – Andy”
Some things I want for Christmas... other things, I pray for daily.
Another Email:
“Hey dude I was reading your article on the guns that were featured
in the matrix series (good job by they way) and I discovered that John
Bowring sent you some emails. Anyways I'm interested in gunsmithing and
if I could get his email off you that would be mad. Laters –Sean”
am not at liberty to give out his email address. However, if you want
to talk to a Gunsmith:
http://www.madogre.com/Gunsmith%20Directory.htm Pick one. Peace,
Another Email:
“I have recently found your site through Kim du Toit. I have quite
enjoyed reading through your well thought out discussions on the
M-16/AR-15, as well as my scanning of your archives. Enough praises.
Do you have an XML or RSS feed? I am afraid I am some sort of
information addict, so I need this damn RSS thing to sort my info. I
still plan on reading your site from time to time, but if you have XML
or RSS I will be visiting daily. Thanks! - JC”
Thanks for the Email, JC. Er, not to sound like a knuckle dragger or
anything, but I don’t know what the hell an RSS Feed is, and I don’t
have time to find out. I’m looking at the possible move to another
server and to a software solution for my web log… but the volunteer
service to take all my old content and put it into the new packaging
hasn’t surfaced yet, and even if it did, I am not sure I would want to
let someone do that… so I am probably going to continue blogging as I
am… the old fashioned way. FrontPage with lots of HTML code editing.
Tonight was the last
night in my English class.
This is a class that I really enjoyed. The teacher is a short smiling
woman who has taught English at the local high school to everyone that
has graduated from it. She knows everyone, including my wife… and she
even came to my wedding reception. I think she gave us a kitchen stuff
of some sort, but I don’t remember. She is perhaps the sweetest
teacher I have ever met. I hope she isn’t offended when I make this
observation, but she reminds me of a Hobbit. She is short in stature,
always in good cheer, and is very laid back in a way that I think
Hobbits are. She loves JRR Tolkien’s work, so I think she will take
this as the compliment that it is meant to be. There are far worse
things to be compared to… Like one of my other instructors who is best
compared to a Cave Troll, but I’m not going there. I have enjoyed
this class a great deal… I’ve learned a thing or two and I think I got
out of it a lot more than I expected to. My only disappointment is
that she doesn’t teach the next level.
I just realized that I
have not looked at a single news headline today. I have no idea what has happened in the world since last
Friday. Let’s take a look now. Ah, I see the Left is acting like a
bunch of blithering idiots, and the Right is acting like a bunch of
whimpy nerds. So pretty much, nothing has happened worth noting in the
political arena. Disney is having some problems, but that is not
news. The last of the Disney family as left the company, and that is
too bad. But that’s what happens when you go public and give your
dreams to strangers. Something is to be said for the family owned
business. Boeing’s head man threw in the towel too. This might have
some stock market waves, but nothing too bad.
The HBE holster has
arrived, and it is just freaking awesome. A full on BBQ Rig, if you ask me. If you don’t know what a BBQ Gun is,
this is a handgun that looks really good… your “dress up” gun. It
should be somewhat personalized or customized or in some way special.
The BBQ Gun should be carried in a proper BBQ Rig, this being some sort
of leather holster that should be fully functional as a holster while
at the same time being somewhat personalized, customized or in some way
special… Sorry, your Glock riding a Fobus just isn’t going to cut it,
unless you have a nice story to go with it. This isn’t about being
Tactical… this is more upscale. Fine leathers, exotic wood, and
polished finishes rule the roost for BBQ Set ups. I’ll of course post
more about this holster after I have worn it some more. Initial
observations, HBE rigs are some damn good holsters. My S&W 696 snaps
into this leather rig like it was kydex. It fits perfectly. Did I
mention that it looks awesome?


ogre@madogre.com via PayPal to support MadOgre.com, or God will kill a kitten.
Copyright G H Hill 1999-2012